When it comes to insuring your Waste management and recycling risks, Atticus Insurance should be considered.

Being centrally located in the country we can service waste management and recycling business throughout the UK.

Whether you own a landfill, hire out skips, scrap/salvage yard, or a waste management company we can provide an insurance solution for you.

Presenting your Waste & Recycling Risk to Insurers is fundamental

Placing risks in the waste insurance market can be tricky, especially if the risk has not been presented correctly to insurers, or risk management features are not in place. Working with Atticus Insurance, we can guide your business through the process, to make sure that we can receive a competitive quotation from the Waste and Recycling Insurance markets.

The industry is fast paced with new regulations and claim costs increasing, so selecting your Waste & Recycling Insurance Broker is fundamental. A poorly delivered risk presentation could determine whether terms will be provided from the insurance markets.

Our Key Areas of Focus


Waste Management Insurance


Skip Hirers Insurance


Transfer Stations insurance


Incinerator Operations


Landfill Site Insurance


Refuge Waste Collection Insurance

Policy features can include:


Public Liability Insurance


Employers Liability Insurance


Machinery & Plant Insurance


Environmental Impairment


Business Interruption


Motor Fleet



Finding the right Insurance Broker partner

With our expert knowledge, you can be confident that we will understand your waste & recycling insurance needs when talking to us. Claims will be dealt with efficiently and effectively; Due to the fast pace and hazardous machinery on-site, employees are more likely to suffer an ill-health, injuries, or fatalities than the average worker across all other industry sectors.

For more information from our waste and recycling insurance advisors, please call today, or alternatively, email luke@atticusinsurance.co.uk 


In the event of an incident/ accident, you can rely on the fact that your claim will be handled efficiently and effectively. Our claims team can be contacted during or outside of work hours and will always be available to guide you through the process.

Why Choose Atticus Insurance for Waste & Recycling Insurance

Directors Combined of Over 45 Years’ Experience

Cover for Waste Management

UK Wide

Cover for Skip Hirers Insurance

A Rated Insurers

Cover for Transfer Stations Insurance

Atticus, The Insurance Solution